Class ElementSegmentsVisitor

Direct Known Subclasses:
ElementSegmentsNode, ElementSegmentsWriter

public class ElementSegmentsVisitor extends BaseVisitor<ElementSegmentsVisitor>
A visitor that visits the element section of a module.

Methods are expected to be called in the order:

( visitElem )* visitEnd

  • Constructor Details

    • ElementSegmentsVisitor

      protected ElementSegmentsVisitor()
      Construct a visitor with no delegate.
    • ElementSegmentsVisitor

      protected ElementSegmentsVisitor(@Nullable @Nullable ElementSegmentsVisitor dl)
      Construct a visitor with a delegate.
      dl - The visitor to delegate all method calls to, or null.
  • Method Details

    • visitElem

      public ElementVisitor visitElem()
      Visit an element segment of the module.
      An ElementVisitor to visit with the contents of the element segment, or null if this visitor is not interested in the contents of the element segment.