Class ElementNode

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class ElementNode extends ElementVisitor implements Iterable<ExprNode>
A node that represents an element segment in the element section of a module.
See Also:
  • Field Details

    • passive

      public boolean passive
      Whether the element segment is passive, if it is not active.

      True if passive, false if declarative, ignored if active.

      See Also:
    • table

      public int table
      The table index of the element segment, if it is active.
    • offset

      public ExprNode offset
      The offset expression of an active element segment, or null if it is not active.
    • type

      public byte type
      The reftype of the element segment.
    • indices

      public int[] indices
      The vector of function indices to reference in the init exprs, or null if the init expressions are explicitly declared.
      See Also:
    • init

      public List<ExprNode> init
      The vector of init exprs, or null if the function indices should be used.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • ElementNode

      public ElementNode()
      Construct a visitor with no delegate.
    • ElementNode

      public ElementNode(@Nullable @Nullable ElementVisitor dl)
      Construct a visitor with a delegate.
      dl - The visitor to delegate all method calls to, or null.
  • Method Details

    • accept

      public void accept(ElementVisitor eev)
      Make the given ElementVisitor visit this element.
      eev - The visitor to visit.
    • size

      public int size()
      The number of init expressions in this element segment, the size of iterator().
      The number of expressions in this element segment.
    • visitNonActiveMode

      public void visitNonActiveMode(boolean passive)
      Description copied from class: ElementVisitor
      Visit the mode of an element segment that is not active.
      visitNonActiveMode in class ElementVisitor
      passive - true if the mode is passive, or false if it is declarative.
    • visitActiveMode

      public ExprVisitor visitActiveMode(int table)
      Description copied from class: ElementVisitor
      Visit the table index and offset expr of an active element segment.
      visitActiveMode in class ElementVisitor
      table - The table index of the element segment.
      An ExprVisitor to visit with the contents of the offset expr, or null if this visitor is not interested in the contents of the offset expr.
    • visitType

      public void visitType(byte type)
      Description copied from class: ElementVisitor
      Visit the type of the element segment.
      visitType in class ElementVisitor
      type - The reftype of the element segment.
    • visitElemIndices

      public void visitElemIndices(int[] indices)
      Description copied from class: ElementVisitor
      Visit a vector of function indices to reference in the init exprs.

      This should be called instead of ElementVisitor.visitInit(), not in conjunction with it.

      visitElemIndices in class ElementVisitor
      indices - The vector of function indices to reference in the init exprs.
    • visitInit

      public ExprVisitor visitInit()
      Description copied from class: ElementVisitor
      Visit a single expr in the vector of init exprs.

      This should be called instead of ElementVisitor.visitElemIndices(int[]), not in conjunction with it.

      visitInit in class ElementVisitor
      An ExprVisitor to visit with the contents of the init expr, or null if this visitor is not interested in the contents of the init expr.
    • iterator

      @NotNull public @NotNull Iterator<ExprNode> iterator()
      Returns an iterator over the init expressions in this element segment, whether they be implicitly derived from function indices or explicitly declared.
      Specified by:
      iterator in interface Iterable<ExprNode>
      An iterator over the init expressions in this element segment.