Interface ConventionModifier<Convention,Node>

Type Parameters:
Convention - The type of the convention.
Node - The type of the local io.github.eutro.jwasm.tree node.

public interface ConventionModifier<Convention,Node>
A function which modifies a local convention.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • modify

      Convention modify(Convention convention, Node node, int index)
      Modify the given convention, possibly returning a new one that modifies its behaviour, likely its export behaviour.
      convention - The convention to modify.
      node - The local node of the WebAssembly module.
      index - The index of the node in its respective index space.
      The modified convention.
    • identity

      static <C, N> ConventionModifier<C,N> identity()
      Returns the identity convention modifier, which does nothing.
      Type Parameters:
      C - The convention type.
      N - The node type.
      The identity convention modifier.
    • andThen

      Compose this convention modifier with another.
      next - The modifier to run after this.
      The composed convention modifier.